Thursday, November 08, 2007


Today i woke up a bit tired because i went to bed late. I was like - i have a training to do and i am already tired... I spoke with my friend Jure about how i feel here and i said to him i somekind f a way do not feel the city... I am not on the same frequency... Here things seem so pasive and it does not fit with my personality - i am always in the move... I have to lead my life the way i know it is best for me and stay out of the things that are leading me to the wrong direction. In the first place i came here to train good and to rest as much as possible. Of course i want to meet new people, make new friends, party, go to school, visit new places, cities.... ... but somethings do not fit together and you have to make a choice.
I choose me - i am an athlete and a sportsman in the first place.
I complained today, that there is no company for running here... bla bla... I went out on my run and i saw two men running with respectable tempo - i joined them and we went together to the stadium. We introduced oureselves and they were policemen. I was like: i started thinking of running company and i immediately got some. LIFE IS BEautiFUL...
I did a good traing today and i decided not to go to school to gimnastics -i will take a rest this afternoon and stay home.


Unknown said...

I can run with u.... but for the moment only with my car, we can do the test u go by foot and i go by car around IPB. ;)

When i improve my condition maybe i can achieve a respectable tempo, so i van join u.

Pegaz said...

Čestitam, Tomaž!

Te pogrešamo na forumu. Lepo, da si ubodel erazmus, zelo dobra izkušnja. Uživaj na Portugalskem in pazi, mene je nekoč skoraj ujela!

Lep let, Pegaz :)

Tomaz33 said...

... You will improve your speed soon, you just keep on going the way you started...
Keep on running...:)

Tomaz33 said...

Ola, Pegaz!!

Ja tudi jaz vas pogresam. Forum se vedno berem, ampak sem nekako manj aktiven na njem.
Lep pozdrav v LJ in valjda se kaj vidimo drugo leto...
Razen ce me ujame... :)