Thursday, November 08, 2007


Yesterday i was at Instalada party... My first one. It was a very nice party for me and i think for all the people there. The students of the School of Arts prepared the events in their houses - in the first house (Inaguraçao Incurtada - exibiçao de curtas, casa 51): there was a dinner (first vegetarian dinner for me in Bragança and i could not eat much because i ate in cantina with Daniel and Alex from Romania) and the house was really nice place - like a somekind of a gallery -some paintings in the living room are fantastic for my taste. In the second house(Presentir - Casa 100) was a party in a garage - girls made a really nice scene - we came into the dark place, there was calm music playing and you could feel the energy in the place... Perfect. After i do not know how much time, the girls light the candles and we went to the main part of a garage - we had some tea there and tallking to each other. In the third house (Instalaçao - Inside the Future, Casa 54) was tranformed into gallery - there were the arts of Romanian students: Cosma, Dan, Alex and Kristina. I went home early, because of my training, but i will maybe go check today again.
I will put some photos as soon as i get them - it is the best for you to see what i am writing about.

Ate amanhã

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