Thursday, November 08, 2007


Picture tells everything... (thanks to DPOP).


Today i woke up a bit tired because i went to bed late. I was like - i have a training to do and i am already tired... I spoke with my friend Jure about how i feel here and i said to him i somekind f a way do not feel the city... I am not on the same frequency... Here things seem so pasive and it does not fit with my personality - i am always in the move... I have to lead my life the way i know it is best for me and stay out of the things that are leading me to the wrong direction. In the first place i came here to train good and to rest as much as possible. Of course i want to meet new people, make new friends, party, go to school, visit new places, cities.... ... but somethings do not fit together and you have to make a choice.
I choose me - i am an athlete and a sportsman in the first place.
I complained today, that there is no company for running here... bla bla... I went out on my run and i saw two men running with respectable tempo - i joined them and we went together to the stadium. We introduced oureselves and they were policemen. I was like: i started thinking of running company and i immediately got some. LIFE IS BEautiFUL...
I did a good traing today and i decided not to go to school to gimnastics -i will take a rest this afternoon and stay home.


Yesterday i was at Instalada party... My first one. It was a very nice party for me and i think for all the people there. The students of the School of Arts prepared the events in their houses - in the first house (Inaguraçao Incurtada - exibiçao de curtas, casa 51): there was a dinner (first vegetarian dinner for me in Bragança and i could not eat much because i ate in cantina with Daniel and Alex from Romania) and the house was really nice place - like a somekind of a gallery -some paintings in the living room are fantastic for my taste. In the second house(Presentir - Casa 100) was a party in a garage - girls made a really nice scene - we came into the dark place, there was calm music playing and you could feel the energy in the place... Perfect. After i do not know how much time, the girls light the candles and we went to the main part of a garage - we had some tea there and tallking to each other. In the third house (Instalaçao - Inside the Future, Casa 54) was tranformed into gallery - there were the arts of Romanian students: Cosma, Dan, Alex and Kristina. I went home early, because of my training, but i will maybe go check today again.
I will put some photos as soon as i get them - it is the best for you to see what i am writing about.

Ate amanhã

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Today I started with my training twice a day (10 traings per week). It feels really good, when you finish your training - it feels like floating in non-gravity , when you lie down after the shower. I am not going often to school - i have a lot of works to do at home, so i do not have to go so often. It is really good, because i can get a good rest.
I light some fire in Bragança already: one friend of mine also started running more regurarly and became more interested in do something good for himself: physical activity, healthy food... It really makes me happy, when i see people start moving... Keep it on like that Altino!!!
This week is the "Semana do calioro" - it means that Week of the freshmen. It is going to be party hole week, and on Saturday caloiros will became real students after they pass some test older students prepare for them.
The weather here is still warm - 18 degrees celsius during the day, no rain... perfeito. Eu falo um pouqo Portugues. Eu quero falar Portugues bom.

Ate amanhã...

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Esta e minha morada é Portuguesa:

Tomaz Plibersek
Rua Dr. Deocleciano de Carvalho 15
5300 - 455 BRAGANÇA


On Friday i was in Mirandela - the city 50 km away from Bragança. I met a a girl from Brasil and she showed me some placc in Mirandela... We have not been at many places, because i felt like i do not want be a tourist here and see all the... I like to know people better and that is more important to me. Every city has its castle, museum, park... More or less things are similar everywhere. She is a very nice person and i was very happy to meet her. We had great tme together and we discussed a lot of things about all sorts sights in life.

Yesterday, 3. 11. 2007 i had training in the evening on the course around IPB (Instituto Politecnico de Bragança). It is a nice course, alternating a bit abd it is around 3050m long. It is nice for me to do my long intervals in next months.

In the evening we went for a drink with my flatmate Egas, his girlfriend Sandra, Katja and her twin sister to some bar - it was a nice a place. After that Katja and her sister went home and we went to Biblioteca cafe, where we met Ricardo( he is on Erasmus exchange in Slovenija right now) and Ana. I was really surprised and so was Ricardo to meet someone on Erasmus exchange in his city form the country where he is staying. :) We had a nice conversation and i hope we will meet again, before he goes to Ljubljana.

Ate amanhã.