Thursday, June 29, 2006


I love my life, the good and the bad moments. There are plenty of them - both sides. It is hard to say which moments i like more: bad happenings made me stronger and smarter (i started eating Smarties), good happenings were born out of bad ones. I try to live my life different ways, i don`t want to be caught in one form, so i try to approach things differently than previous times and see how it works out.

I am an athlete, distance runner - on the track and in my life. Running made me change, in a good way; through the time i also changed my running. Distance running is like living, there are crisis and there are moments of joy, release, happiness, satisfaction, gratitude. Running cleans up your soul, as a friend of mine said.

1 comment:

eka said...

just please don't get tired og running