Friday, June 30, 2006

Going hard.

Today i had some hard training to do - as my training plan i made, said. I was a bit sceptical wheter i will complete it or not. I went out at 10 AM, by myself. Did my warm up and realized i am nervous like i am on some kind of a competition. My Legs were shaking.
So i started first run (interval) and i run out good-that gave me confidence to go harder on the next run... I finished all by the plan - even better. I was exhausted, but satisfied. Once again i met myself in doing some hard training. Just me and the track. And God. This is an example in real life how hard things you go through can really satisfy you - in my occasion directly.
I wanna thank God i exist and that i am healthy, so i can do things i want to do.
Tommorow i am going camping, climbing, rowing, cycling... For 6 days.
See you on Thursday.


eka said...

you and god? please!

eka said...

se mislis ti ka pisat tule al pozabim ta naslov??