Friday, November 16, 2007


It is really good when you surrounded by people who see good things in you and what I find very important too, that those people tell you, what they see in you. I a lot of times do the same: I do not tell people: how much i appreciate them, how much they mean to me, that they have a good heart, that they look beautiful, that i am glad to know them.
Today i received an the email from a friend of mine, whom i met two weeks ago. It was really nice to read these words she wrote... Here is a copy - Juliana i beleive you do not mind I put it here:

Hello My Dear!!

I have always talking about you. I am still surprise about what I could see in you another day: Gandhi, religion, life, how see life...
I am very happy with my life, everything is perfect. Thanks God!
I just arrived on Wedsday in Brasil. I am happy to see my family and friends again, but I miss my boyfriend, my classes and some things in my European's life, as security public feelings.
I am waiting for you in MSN.
See you than,

This is one of the greatest compliments i received ever: To see Gandhi in me... Thanks Juliana.:)
Gandhi was really a man i admire very much - he is my idol. To live the life he lived...

Check his website:

Ate amanhã.

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